If you have ever been in an auto accident you may have remembered that you symptoms didn't start right after the accident. For some people, it can take days, weeks or even months after the accident before they start experiencing headaches, neck pain, whiplash, low back pain, sciatica, spinal stenosis, numbness and tingling in the arms and legs, jaw pain, ringing in the ears and concussion symptoms. Then you start to think you should see a chiropractor. Well that's a step in the right direction. Here are the other traits you should look for when choosing a chiropractor for you car accident.
1) Will the Chiropractor Hold a Lien (letter of protection).
A lien is a legally defensible document that protects both the patient, and the doctor. The doctor agrees to withhold getting paid until the case is settled either directly through the insurance company, or through the patient's attorney. This allows the patient get the needed treatment without fronting the money to pay for the care, and gives the chiropractor security knowing that the lien can be enforced in court. Not all chiropractors will do this. Many want to get paid quickly, either by the patient directly, or through the patient's insurance.
2) Does the Chiropractor Work with Attorneys?
This is important because when a patient hires an attorney, it ensures that the case will take longer to settle. Why? Not only does the chiropractor have to wait until the patient is discharged from care, but they need to wait for the attorney to file all of the necessary documents and then send a demand letter to the insurance company. If the insurance company's' lawyers believe they can win the case, they will decline to pay some of the bill. Then mediation occurs, and hopefully there will be a mutual decision to settle the case for X amount of dollars. Not all chiropractors want to wait for this process. Not all chiropractors want to get deposed or go to court. You need to ask your chiropractor if they will work with your attorney on these matters.
Lastly, if the patient does not have an attorney, does the chiropractor have attorneys they have worked with in the past? Having a good relationship with an attorney most likely means that they worked good together to get the patient well and get the settlement that they deserve.
3) What Are the Chiropractors Credentials?
Credentials matter. Why? well first you want a chiropractor that is experienced and who is experienced in car accidents. You would want to look for a chiropractor that is trauma qualified. This means that they know how to work up a personal injury case. Working up a case means that they correlate causality with bodily injury, and bodily injury to functional loss. The doctor should have a proper diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plan to prove to the insurance company and the courts, if necessary that the patient has a significant injury and needs to get the treatment that the doctor provided. Not all chiropractors are qualified to do this. You can see my credentials here:
So if you have been in a car accident and live in the Chicagoland area including, Elmhurst, Villa Park, Lombard, Stone Park, Northlake, Melrose Park, Berkeley, Oak Brook, Bensenville, Hillside, Westchester or Bellwood, call the Auto Accident pain relief Center 24/7 at 800-862-5914 to schedule an appointment.
